This is "Chi ha ucciso il Conte?"'s website.
Chi Ha Ucciso il Conte? is a pseudonym for a Parma (Italy) based UX/UI Designer
I am a Designer, researcher and practitioner in digital fabrication and interaction design. I engage in hands-on design projects and studies with people and communities, and I have over a decade of experience in supporting artists and musicians to develop new interactive devices with a focus on new musical experiences. My recent research effort has primarily explored critical reflection and sustainable action within design practices. I have investigated open-source tools and methods to develop interfaces in both the form of tangible devices and GUIs . The aim of these explorations is to push the boundaries of current practices, finding innovative solutions to enhance the full potential of each design project, while considering its long-term impact.
Dispositivo Cinetico
(aka Rammelaar) -
Motion Composer GUI
My work has been featured in over 500 performances and installations at prestigious venues and festivals, including the CTM Festival (Germany), KIKK Festival (Belgium), the National Museum of Modern Art in Kyoto (Japan), and the Bauhaus 100 Festival. It has been showcased in 185 cities worldwide (see the map below).
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