The Strophonion is a custom, wireless electronic instrument designed for gesture-controlled live electronics. Its software and hardware components were developed at STEIM (STudio for Electro-Instrumental Music) in Amsterdam. Equipped with 21 buttons and various sensors, it captures hand and arm movements, translating them into MIDI messages that control sonic or musical parameters in real time.
Specifically designed for vocal performance art, the Strophonion allows performers to manipulate different audio processing strategies live. By applying various live sampling techniques, it extends the capabilities of the voice and opens new possibilities for vocal exploration. Its wireless design lets performers move freely onstage, seamlessly blending human voice, body, and technology.
In 2014, I contributed to the development of the tangible interface, focusing on ergonomics, interaction details, and building the device itself through various digital fabrication techniques. Such task was made in collaboration with the artist himself and Sukandar Kartadinata
You can have more info about the strophonion on STEIM's website and on Alex Nowitz's website
The person using the strophonion in the pictures is NOT Alex Nowitz...